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The Ancient city of Orchomenos is located in the region of Arcadia in Peloponnese, Greece and it is one of the oldest cities around this area. It was considered one of the most influential and powerful cities in Arcadia along with other cities such as Tegea and Mantineia (Ancient Orchomenos. 2014). It was an important part of the Mycenaean civilization during 1600 to 1200 BC. During the 6thand 7th hundred century BC, Orchomenos was considered to be at its height of population during the Archaic Period. It was said that the Orchomones had the strongest fortress of all of ancient Greece (Harris.1887. p.75). Orchomenos was also considered one of the riches, and most populated cities during its hay day because they had their own currency.  The main part of Orchomenos was constructed on top of a hill and was about 3,000 feet high (Harris. 1887. p.75). It over looked the valley of Levedi and Kandalia (Stillwell et al. 1976). This was considered a strategic move in order to dominate the area from a distance and see any potential attacks.

      Organized excavations began around 1913 in Orchomenos. Some of the greatest findings include the Orchomenos Theater, which is said to have been built during the Hellenistic Era. This theater offered some of the most impressive sites during special events such as games or plays that honored the gods. It was built on a steep slope, and had a capacity of over 4000 people (Ancient Orchomenos. 2014). Archeologists have also found the Temple of Artemis Mesopolitis, which was the major sanctuary of Orchomenos (Stillwell et al. 1976). Also found were remains of an agora, cisterns, fountains, and remains of private homes, a Bouleuterion, and parts of the walls, which once surrounded Orchomenos (Stillwell et al. 1976). There are parts of these architecture and ancient artifacts can be seen today.



-Ancient Orchomenos-Arcadia. Local Quality Pact of Northern Peloponnese/Archaeological

               Sites. February 6, 2014.


-Archeological Sites of the Peloponnese Reopened. Greece All Time Classic.


-Harris, J.R. Hermas in Arcadia. Journal of the Society of Bibical Literature and Exegesis.

                June 1887.


-Stillwell, Richard, William Macdonald, Marian McAllister. Orchomenos (Kalpali) Arcadia

                  Greece. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. 1976.

Photograph Bibliography for Video: 

-Ancient Orchomenos –Arcadia. Pinterest


-Orchomenos Thearher. The Ancient Theather Archives.  2009

-Orchomenos Thearher .

-Orchomenos. Tresor Hotels and Resorts.

-Orchomenos. Tauros Project Images.

-Orchomenos. Alamy

-Orchomenos (Arcadia)

-Orchomenos Bouleterion.

-Parliament of Ancient Orchomenus . Exploring

-Temple of Artemis Mesopolitis.

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