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    Tenarus (Cape Mattapan)

      Tenarus, also known as Taenarum or Tainaron, was once located in Mani peninsula, in Southern Peloponnese, Greece, and is now known as Cape Matapan. It is also known as Cape Tainaron, or Cape Tenaro. This archeological site is located in South of Laconia and separates the Messenian Gulf from the Laconian Gulf. This area is believed to have been an important piece of land for thousandths of years. The name was derived from a son of either Zeus, Icarius, or Elatus (Smith, 1854). It is also believed to have been a very important site to Spartan citizens, since they built the temple of Poseidon around this area along with other temples (Phang et al. P.537. 2016). Tanerus was also believed to have been occupied during the reign of Alexander the Great, and is believed to have been a recruiting area for mercenaries around 332 BC (Phang et al. P.537). One of the most important features of Tenerus was its old caves called the Caves of Hades, which were believed to be the“ Gates to Hades” in ancient Greek religion (Maria. 2013). Archeologists have found some remains of these caves, and are described to be about 15m deep, and 12m wide, with a collapsed roof (Friese, 2013). Some of the remains of the temple of Poseidon still exist and are located on the eastern side of Cape Matapan and are part of the remains of a small church (Smith. 1854) Today visitors are able to visit this historical region of Greece, which offers beautiful sceneries of the sea. 



-Friese, Wiebke. Stavle Places and Changinf Perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece.

                British Archaeological Reports. 2013.


-Maria. Cape Tainaron, The Mythical Gate to Hades. Greece Travel Blog.  2013


- Phang, Sara, Iain Spencer, Douglas Kelly, Peter Londey. Conflct in Ancient Greece and

                Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia.  Library of

                Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data. 2016


-Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 1854

Photography Bibliography: 

-Getty Images. Remains of Sanctuary of Poseidon, Cape Mattapan

- Cape Mattapan. Greece Travel Blog

-Map of location.

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